News Release
January 15, 2015
Contact: Eliza Vielma
Senator Creighton and Representative Ashby File “Right to Hunt & Fish” Constitutional Amendment

AUSTIN — Texas State Senator Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe) and State Representative Trent Ashby (R-Lufkin) have filed the “Right to Hunt & Fish” constitutional amendment in preparation of the 84th Legislative Session. Filed as SJR 22 in the Texas Senate and HJR 61 in the Texas House of Representatives. This legislation constitutionally upholds and protects the right for Texans’ to hunt and fish as a preferred method of managing the state's wildlife population.

"As a rancher and avid hunter myself, I am proud to work with Representative Ashby to reaffirm our strong hunting and fishing heritage here in Texas," said Senator Creighton. "Hunting and fishing are crucial to the preservation of our natural habitats and we must work diligently to ensure these rights are protected for generations to come."

"I'm excited to work alongside my friend, Senator Creighton, to introduce this common-sense legislation," said Representative Ashby. "Hunting and fishing are not only engrained in our state's culture, but natural methods to manage and conserve our wildlife. Texas has an obligation to take a strong stand on this issue."

The "Right to Hunt & Fish" proposed constitutional amendment is strongly endorsed and supported by the National Rifle Association. "Adding the Right to Hunt and Fish to the Texas constitution would protect sporting traditions in the Lone Star State from well-funded efforts by national extremist groups to ban hunting,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action. "This important constitutional safeguard will protect wildlife and promote conservation."

If passed, the language contained in these joint resolutions will be presented for a public vote in November 2015. Currently, 18 states have some version of this proposed amendment in their state constitutions.

SENATOR BRANDON CREIGHTON represents District 4, which encompasses portions of Montgomery, Harris, Chambers, Jefferson and Galveston Counties. He currently serves on the Senate Committee on Open Government, the Senate Committee on State Affairs, and the Joint Interim Committee on Judicial Selection.
