News Release
February 3, 2009
Contact: Alicia Pierce
(512) 463-0103
Nichols welcomes residents from the Cedar Creek area

Austin — Today, state Senator Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville) welcomed 60 residents from the Cedar Creek Lake area visiting the Capitol for Cedar Creek Legislative Day.

"I'm very impressed with the large turnout from the Cedar Creek area," said Nichols. "It is a great opportunity to watch state government first-hand."

Area leaders came from the communities of Kemp, Gun Barrel City, Eustace, Mabank, Malakoff, Seven Points and Tool.

Members of the Cedar Creek delegation were be recognized today by Nichols and Sen. Deuell in the Senate chamber and Rep. Betty Brown (R-Athens) in the House chamber. Nichols represents residents living in the Henderson County side of the lake and Sen. Deuell represents those on the Kaufman County side.

"Sen. Deuell, Rep. Brown and I work together as team in the interest of the Cedar Creek Lake area," said Nichols. "We all want what's in communities' best interests."

In addition to meeting with their representatives and visiting the House and Senate Chambers, the group will also hear from agency leaders. The group will hear presentations from the governor's Economic Development and Tourism Division, the Texas Department of Transportation and Agricultural Commissioner Todd Staples. Commissioner Staples formerly represented Henderson County as a member of the Texas Senate.

Nichols said he thinks the visit will benefit those who attended.

"Not only is this group learning about how the Legislature works, but they will also learn about programs that can benefit their area once they return home," said Nichols.
